Schively Slotterback gives Frontiers on the Environment lecture

Carissa Schively Slotterback, IonE Resident Fellow and Associate Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

RCP Director Prof. Carissa Schively Slotterback will speak at the Institute on the Environment's Frontiers on the Environment lecture this Wed, April 24th.  As an increasing number of communities and universities work to advance the priorities of sustainability and resilience, their collaboration can yield wide-ranging benefits. Her presentation, "University–Community Collaboration to Advance Sustainability," will highlight the Resilient Communities Project (RCP)—a new and innovative model of education and community engagement intended to build long-term capacity to produce sustainable solutions and resilient institutions. RCP facilitates a yearlong partnership between the University of Minnesota and a Minnesota community, matching University expertise with local projects to produce on-the-ground sustainability outcomes and meaningful practical experience for students. The presentation will explore RCP's work during its inaugural year and further prospects for making the University more engaged, more interdisciplinary and more strategic in responding to critical challenges in Minnesota communities and beyond.