Scott County CDA partners with UofM Students

U of M students and professor gather with Scott County CDA project leads

Check out this College of Design blog post to read about the work of Housing Studies students and our partner community, Scott County!

We partnered with the Scott County CDA this past year to explore their question: How can we increase landlord participation in our rental assistance programs? 

During the academic year, we paired the CDA Assistant Housing Director, Molly Link, with three classes across the University of Minnesota:

  • FRIT 3850: Community/Media/Activism, taught by Professor Lorenzo Fabbri: Students interviewed residents participating in housing programs and produced short film clips depicting their stories
  • PA 5311: Program Evaluation, taught by Pete Bernardy: Students designed a logic model as well as a survey to be taken by landlords and property owners
  • HSG 4461: Housing Development and Management, taught by Professor Becky Yust: Students took the feedback gathered from landlords to develop resources addressing their concerns