What's New

  • More than 400 students and faculty partnered with Rosemount on 29 different community-identified projects. Photo courtesy of Alan Cox.

    Annual report highlighting early outcomes in Rosemount coming soon

    By Bridget Roby

    Tools for promoting nature-based play. Recruitment strategies for the volunteer fire department. Concrete steps toward STAR certification—a national rating system for sustainable communities. These are just a few of the benefits Rosemount is reaping from its year-long partnership with the University of Minnesota through the Resilient Communities Project last year.

  • Lurie Garden: Image copyright American Planning Association under Creative Commons License, https://conference.planning.org/imagelibrary/details/9000822/

    New project seeks to identify barriers to building healthy and equitable developments

    By Maria Wardoku

    We already know that how you site, design and operate a residential or commercial development shapes how often people walk, bike, take transit, or drive, and whether that transportation experience is comfortable or harrowing. Developers’ choices help determine whether people have easy access to healthy foods, jobs, affordable housing, and community facilities like parks and schools.

  • RCP in the news roundup

    Several publications recently featured the work RCP students have completed on our Carver County projects so far. The Star Tribune and Chaska Herald covered the Carver County Historical Society’s Andrew Peterson Farm project, while the Center for Transportation Studies' Catalyst took a look at the Chaska Safe Routes to School project. Professor Elizabeth Wilson made mention of the Carver County CDA’s Alternative Energy Development project on MPR News. Here are the highlights:

  • Professor David Levinson and Chaska city engineer Bill Monk walk with students on a tour of the safe routes to school site in Chaska. Photo courtesy of Mike Greco.

    Students recommend safe routes to school at Chaska intersection

    Article originally published in the January 2016 issue of the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies' CTS Catalyst 

    As part of a U of M course last semester, students analyzed access to an elementary and middle school complex adjacent to a busy intersection in Chaska, Minnesota, and made recommendations aimed at helping local agencies improve pedestrian safety and access around the site.

  • Rosemount Town Pages: City considers how to make the most of Resilient Communities Project results

    By Jennifer SteichenRosemount Town Pages, January 14, 2016

    Last year, the City of Rosemount partnered with the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project on a one-year undertaking in which students across various disciplines worked with city staff to identify 29 projects that would advance local sustainability and resilience in the community. 

  • What climate change goals set in Paris mean for Minnesota

    Originally broadcast on Minnesota Public Radio News with Tom Weber, January 5, 2016

    On a segment on renewable energy on MPR News, Tom Weber spoke with University of Minnesota Professor Elizabeth Wilson, who mentioned her Humphrey School class’ work investigating solar energy development in Carver County through the County's partnership with the Resilient Communities Project.

  • Students are helping to restore the Andrew Peterson Farmstead through the Resilient Communities Project partnership with the Carver County Historical Society.   © Steve Schneider 2015

    Harvesting history: Plans take shape for famed farm

    Article originally posted on the Chaska Herald website, January 7th, 2016, by Mark W. Olson

    By Mark W. Olson

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Program Evaluation project student presentation to Carver County water education coordinator Madeline Seveland (right) by students in PA 5311: Program Evaluation, taught by Leah Moses. Photo courtesy of Mike Greco.

    Wrapping up the first semester of the RCP-Carver County partnership

    With the end of the fall semester at the University of Minnesota upon us, the Resilient Communities Project is now halfway through our collaboration with Carver County. During the first semester of the partnership, RCP matched 20 projects proposed by Carver County and its partners with 25 classes across 14 departments and 7 colleges at the U of MN, and engaged approximately 200 students to work on these projects.

  • Carver County Health Specialist Tami LaGow and UMN School of Public Health student Sam Rosner help Riverview Terrace residents prepare their gardens for winter. The public health department piloted a community garden initiative in the mobile home park this year. Photo courtesy of Bridget Roby.

    Engaging mobile home communities in healthy living

    By Bridget Roby

    On the surface, Carver County’s got it all. It ranks first in health outcomes among all Minnesota counties, and scores above both state and national benchmarks on nearly all health measures. Yet despite its overall wealth and wellbeing, Carver County is also home to five mobile home parks, where median household incomes and other determinants of health are well below the county average. Could the health of the county as a whole be overshadowing real needs in these communities?

  • The Historic Andrew Peterson Farmstead in Carver County. © Steve Schneider 2015

    Linking past to present through the Andrew Peterson Farmstead

    By Maria Wardoku

    From the road, the Andrew Peterson Farmstead looks like any other small farm you might expect to pass by in Carver County, with an old red barn and a few horses wandering the fields. But as students are discovering through the Resilient Communities Project, there is much, much more here than meets the eye. The story of the Peterson Farmstead stretches back 160 years, and in some ways, is only just beginning.

  • ABC News/Sun Post: Brooklyn Park Selected for Resilient Communities Project

    Originally published in the ABC News/Sun Post, November 16, 2015

    The University of Minnesota's Resilient Communities Project has selected Brooklyn Park as its partner community for the 2016–2017 academic year.

  • KSTP/Ch. 5 News: Brooklyn Park Named U of M 'Resilient Communities Project' Partner

    By Jennie Lissarrague, broadcast on KSTP/Channel 5 News, November 12, 2015

    The University of Minnesota is teaming up with the city of Brooklyn Park through a partnership with the Resilient Communities Project.

    Each year, the university chooses a city or county partner, helps identify potential projects based on needs, and then matches those needs with U of M courses and graduate and professional students. Students earn credit for working on projects.

  • Brooklyn Park logo

    Announcing RCP’s 2016–2017 Partnership with Brooklyn Park

    By Maria Wardoku

    Unique. United. Undiscovered? Not for long.

    The Resilient Communities Project is excited to announce our partnership with Brooklyn Park for the 2016–2017 school year. RCP will match undergraduate and graduate courses across the University of Minnesota with the 19 potential projects that Brooklyn Park developed to advance its strategic goals.

  • Embracing Diversity: Best Practices for Engaging Latino Residents in Carver County

    By Bridget Roby

  • Fishing draws people to the Crow River in Watertown, Minnesota. The existing dam is visible in the background. © Steve Schneider 2015

    Reimagining the River

    By Maria Wardoku

    Spring river flooding is something of an annual tradition in Minnesota. Lately those floods have happened more frequently, and been more severe, than in the past. While some towns are wringing their hands about ever worsening flooding, one small town of 4,000 people is finding the silver lining. The City of Watertown in Carver County is beginning to reimagine its relationship with the Crow River, which flows near the community’s downtown.